Friday 27 June 2014

Late night drawing sessions.

The other night i was finding it really hard to sleep. It was way too hot and every time i laid down i couldn't stop coughing due to the stupid cold my body decided to catch. 
I love drawing (especially disney characters) and find that for me the best time to get my draw on is late at night when its peaceful and everyones asleep. So i put a film on in the background on low volume and started thinking of something to draw. I took to tumblr to see if it would give me any inspiration and found a really cute picture of Bambi. 
I thought id give it a go as it is different to what i'd usually decide to draw.
 I've always found animals really difficult to draw as I'm really not used to it. 
I find it so relaxing and really enjoyed drawing again as i can't remember the last time i put pencil to pen in such a creative way. 
Thought i'd just share this with you as i really enjoyed it and the point of my blog is to talk and share about the things i do and enjoy. :)

If you would like to see any of the drawings i have done in the past or can think of another character you'd like me to have a go at then please leave a comment down below. 

Also feel free to look at any of my other social media sites.
(Links are at the top of the page on the right hand side.)

Miss Tilly xo

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