Saturday 9 May 2015

Review | Soap & Glory Archery Brow Tint & Precision Shaping Pencil

How cute is my cat Chips paw in the background?!
I naturally have very light blonde eye brows. So without any kind of product they're near impossible to see. I never used to bother with my brows as I was always scared of filling them in with a darker blonde colour and looking stupid. Probably just because I'd never done it before and I knew that if I was to fill them in they would look a lot more defined and something I wouldn't at all be used to.
I always used to envy people with darker brows because by defining their brows and just filling them in it wouldn't be as much of a huge difference in the way they looked. Whereas for me it would be quite a big noticeable difference as its something I really wouldn't be used to.

About a year ago I bit the bullet and decided to hunt around for something that would match my eye brows. I knew that the colour would be a huge difference but I wanted to step out of that comfort zone and make them darker so you could actually see them. Probably the best decision I made beauty wise as by doing something so simple to my brows, it has given me more of a facial feature and more shape around my eyes. Also a lot more confidence in my facial appearance and the way that I feel.

Finding a colour for very light blonde eye brows is definitely one hell of a task. It's not easy at all to find something that matches as its either way too light and doesn't make much of a difference or way too dark and looks completely odd.
After looking around and trying a couple of different products and different ways of application I found Sleeks brow kit in the shade light that came in a little palette.
The palette contained two products. One being a darker wax to shape and define your brows and the other was a lighter mousey brown powder to fill them in and make them look a little less harsh. The colours within this palette matched my brows perfectly and I was very pleased with how it was and how it was to apply, both wax and powder products.
At first it was a big difference to get used to as like I previously said I never bothered with my brows and was used to looking like I didn't have any. As much as I love this product and the results it gave me, especially for it being the first product to use on my brows it really was amazing and I'm so glad I found his product because for anyone who is experimenting with their brows for the first time (especially brows which are a lot lighter and harder to see) it's been perfect.  However, now I feel a little more confident and know how I want my brows to be and feel comfortable making them more defined and darker every morning I wanted to look for something a little different. Maybe something a little more expensive, something easier for me to apply every morning and something that looked a little more natural. Genuinely ready to just branch out and look for something different that may give me an even better natural, defined looking result.

I've seen this product that I am just about to rave about many times. Either in blog reviews or youtube videos. I remember first seeing it and thinking "oh wow I don't think that would be something that I would personally get on with". And to be perfectly honest with you I completely forgot about it and didn't really consider it. The product looked scary to use, especially to someone who is very cautious of their brows and what products to use. However, I could not have been more wrong and it ha very much taught me to not judge a book by its cover.

The product has two ends. One end is a pencil (the less scary end) the other end is a felt tip (the scary end). The felt tip end is used to define, shape and as it clearly states in the name "tint" your brows. I was sceptical as I thought it would leave your brows feeling wet and heavy. But, it really doesn't. So incredibly easy to apply, very light weight, dries super quickly and genuinely leaves your brows feeling and looking very natural. My brows have absolutely no shape to them at all. I've never had anything done to them professionally. I've always just plucked away a few strays, not knowing what I'm doing and just hoping for the best. However, with this product it really doesn't matter. You can achieve any brow shape your heart desires. The pencil end, again is so incredible to use. Perfect for filling in any sparse areas that the felt tip may not have been able to get too.
I have the shade "Love is blonde" Perfect match to my hair colour. The perfect shade that I have been searching for. So easy to wear, giving my face a lot more of a defined overall appearance.
It really is amazing how incredible it is to just slightly change one facial feature to create so much more shape to your face. Especially around your eyes.
I feel bad for judging this product without even actually looking at it.
This product will be a HUGE suggestion of mine to anyone and everyone. Especially for those with naturally light (hard to see) brows. This has definitely become a massive favourite of mine, don't actually think I'll ever be able to live without this product now I have discovered it.
Above is the before and after shot. As you can see in the picture on the left my natural brows are very light. They don't stand out and they give my face/eyes absolutely no structure at all. The image on the right is after using Soap & Glory Archery Brow Tint & Precision Shaping pencil giving my face so much more structure and warmth to it.
Perfect colour to match my hair. Looks and feels really natural.
I have said it many times during this post and I will say it again, This product is incredible. Absolutely love it and so glad I purchased it.
It retails at £10 (which is an amazing price for an amazing product that actually works and does what it says it will do) and is available either on the Soap & Glory website or in our much loved drugstore Boots (Where I believe selected Soap & Glory lines are currently 3for2)

Hope this helped any of you who are interested in this product.
If you could subscribe to this blog and any of my other social media sites I will love you forever.
Thank you again & I hope you're all well xo

Miss Tilly xo
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