I've recently started watching "The Vampire Diaries" from the begging again as I'd missed quite a lot of episodes from the 4th season, i then ended up buying it on DVD and was getting a little confused so i took full advantage on re watching them and getting back on track, and as always i have been absolutely loving it and am completely hooked...again.
I then came across this tag and couldn't not do it!
I then came across this tag and couldn't not do it!
1. How did you discover the show?
I remember seeing the adverts on TV after the first half of season one had already been shown but never got the chance to watch it. I then waited for it to come out on DVD, once it was released i purchased it and was instantly hooked.
2. Who's your favourite character?This is a really difficult question for me as throughout the seasons they've all been my favourite at one point or another. However, at the moment I'd have to say Caroline. I didn't really like her in the first season, she was the typical teen that was up herself and didn't care about anyone but herself. But as the seasons have come along and she transformed into a vampire shes completely turned my opinion on her around. Shes so strong and carries herself in such a dignified manor.
3. If you were a vampire would you live on human or animal blood?
If i was a vampire id definitely live on human blood. But not in a psychotic way or a way that would kill anybody. I'd opt for the blood bags, they make you stronger and no animal or human would get hurt.
4. Team Stefan or Damon?
This again is a very difficult question for me. I love them both. I'm a girl that's into romance, especially cheesiness. Just like Stefan. Hes not afraid to tell the girl he loves how he feels, (from personal experience that's a rarity) and even throughout his darker stages you can still see that the one thing that keeps him from truly turning off his humanity is his love for Elena. And for me theirs something very beautiful about that. That's the kind of love every girl dreams of. Damon portrays himself as being the "bad guy" hes very sarcastic and that's what i like about him. He's absolutely hilarious and even tho he acts like a dick, deep down its because he cares. hes very stubborn and that's something i can relate too.
5. Whats your favourite supernatural power?
I think that if you were to have any power, it would be amazing. But as this show shows, they all have their perks and their consequences.
For me it would be the ability to compel. Not to control a mind in a selfish manor of getting someone to do something they wouldn't want to do, but to help those who have memories they wished they could forget, to take away any kind of pain they had been through.
6. If you were to be any character who would you be?
I'd be Caroline. Her character has completely evolved since the first season. Shes became strong and caring and to see her go to that from a selfish teen with no compassion for anyone but her self has been so nice to see. Shes had a fair amount of shit thrown her way but shes kept her dignity and becomes stronger and stronger within herself. She doesn't give up on those she cares about. It's kind of an inspiration.
7. Have you read the book series?
No, i haven't read the books.
8. Who's your crush on the show?
I can't choose, it changes every time i try and answer this question.
Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Matt and Klaus.
9. What was your first initial thought on the show and did it change after your saw it?
To be honest, my initial thought was that it would be pansy. I didn't expect so much gore, i thought it would be a lot like twilight, with barely any action and completely focused on a love triangle. I was pleasantly surprised when i saw hearts being ripped out, bloody bites and gory attacks. Yes there still is a love triangle and it is hugely based on love, which don't get me wrong i myself love stuff like that. But you still want gory story lines when its a show that's based on supernatural beings. The balance between the both is perfect. Which is why i am so hooked.
10. Who's your favourite villain?
This is easy. Favourite villain has to be Klaus. He is a right douche bag, and every time he has me on the edge of my seat. He takes control of what he wants and wont let anything or anyone get in the way of it. He's an original vampire who transformed into a hybrid when he first appeared on the show. He's extremely powerful and puts others through hell. Hes selfish and will put any ones life at risk if it means he can get what he want, however his humanity is starting to show through a tiny bit.
Leave a link in the comments below if you do this tag :)
Miss Tilly xo
Miss Tilly xo
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